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November 17, 2003
Chichester Conservation Commission
11/17/03 Meeting Minutes
7:00, Chichester Grange Hall

Present:  Gwen Adams, Jeff Andrews, Stan Brehm, Gordon Jones, Bob Mann, Walter Sanborn, and Deb Soule   

Minutes from last month were unanimously approved.

Mail consisted of the Selectmen’s meeting minutes and a letter from the Wetlands Bureau regarding a wetlands filling complaint at 214 Bear Hill Road.

Wetlands Bureau Presentation
Jocelyn Degler, Wetlands Specialist at the NHDES Wetlands Bureau, gave a PowerPoint presentation (at the request of the commission) on wetland issues, permits, and the jurisdiction of the Wetlands Bureau.

NH Traildawg Snowmobile Trail Proposal across Town Forest
The Selectmen granted a one-year snowmobile trail easement to the NH Traildawgs conditional on the terms the CCC suggested in their letter to the Selectmen, gating the trail at both ends, and posting a 10 MPH speed limit for the entire length of the trail in the town forest.  

Land Protection Subcommittee
Dijit Taylor’s presentation on land conservation was on November 10th. Approximately 20 people were in attendance and there was interest from some of the attendees in the various land conservation programs mentioned.  LCHIP money is already spent for this year but there are other funding possibilities available. Jeff will look into these in further detail. Next meeting of this subcommittee is Monday, December 1st.
Barbara Frangione’s land donation to school district
Jeff attended the recent meeting of the school’s Facilities and Grounds Development Task Force and reported that due to the terrain and remoteness of this piece of land, building ball fields on it is unlikely due to the cost. The existing ballfields will likely be upgraded instead and this land will be used as an outdoor classroom. The land has been surveyed.

Obtaining greater land use change tax proceeds
Due to some remaining questions on how the other 50% of this money is used by the town, the commission will take up further discussion on this item at the December meeting.

Sanborn Cray Conservation Area access project
The Shaw property adjacent to this property would provide easier and better access than the existing right of ways to the Sanborn Cray Property. An appraisal by Avitar was done on the Shaw property. Jeff will speak to the Shaw’s about a purchase price.

Jeff mentioned looking into the moose plate conservation grants for conducting baseline wildlife/forestry studies and making access improvements to the Sanborn Cray property. Due to the quick deadline (December 10th) and the possible town purchase of the Shaw property, the commission agreed to wait until things were more settled and apply next year instead.   

Master Plan Update
Next meeting is December 7th. Walter mentioned that the committee wants the commission to put together a chapter for the plan.

Scenic Roads – Blackman Property
Blackman Road has been designated a scenic road. The Blackman’s met with the Selectmen to discuss their concerns regarding the increasing size of the road due to grading by the town crews and the potential damage to nearby structures and a large catalpa tree. The Selectmen asked the CCC to talk to them about their concerns. Jeff spoke with Mrs. Blackman and told her the CCC would look into them. Bob offered to check on what protections, if any, are afforded to scenic roads.

Goals for CCC
These will be discussed at the next meeting when there is more time.


Purchasing “Preserving Family Lands” (Book 2) – Jeff mentioned that a landowner at the 11/10 meeting was interested in reading the second book in this series. We have already bought the first book and have it available at the library. The group agreed that one copy of the second book should be bought and made available. Jeff will purchase the book.

Price of NRI copies – Jeff made color copies of the NRI at a cost of $27.45 for the full report and $1.45 for each additional 11x17 map copy. The group agreed to sell the reports at $40 and each additional map at $5.00. The money would likely go to the town’s general funds. Deb suggested making the files available on the internet for the public to review and download. The group agreed. She will work with Heather Briggs to get the info available on the web site. Also, the Sanborn Cray Management Plan and other such documents will be made available on the web.

Upcoming Meetings
12/01 @ 7:00 in Selectmen’s conference room– Land Protection Subcommittee
12/08 @ 7:00 in Selectmen’s conference room – Regular CCC meeting

The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 PM.